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abdl sexy stepmom diapers you and cumming loosey lu

You re hanging out on the couch with your very sexy step-mom Loosey Lu, who seems to always wear something very inappropriate around her adult step-son. She asks how your pullup is & checks it... feeling the front & back. OH NO! You totally wet your pullup & it s leaked, getting on your pants & couch. She chides you about how pull up are not for a full bladder wetting; so dissapointed. She s gotta put you back in diapers... lovingly and matter of factly. Come here, she s gonna take off your wet pants, wipe you down, lay down on this thick cushy diaper... powder time! Then let s tape you up... oh dear, you have this huge boner & if you pee, it ll shoot up over the waist band & onto your stomach. Well, she pulls out a vibrator to sexily take care of your boner in your diaper. She encourages you to cum in your diaper & even uses her hand over diaper to help you cum as she teases you with hot diaper talk. Don t tell anyone though. After cumming, it s back to wat

  • 00:07:45
  • Oct 12, 2023
  • 226


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