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lesbian nylon frenzy!

Nicole Smith and Ivana Sugar enjoy the pleasures of thigh-high stockings and bare feet as they immediately get into some horny worship. Ivana licks Nicole’s patterned hose and then proceeds onto her pussy. She also sucks and sniffs Nicole’s spiky heels, before they peel off their minidresses, lay down on the floor, and get into some serious foot sucking. We see both girls cramming their mouths with their nylon-covered toes, then they slide off their stockings and rub their slits with naked soles.Kneeling in front of Ivana, Nicole laps at the blonde’s snatch, then Ivana lays down on the floor with Nicole and concentrates on tugging off her friend’s stockings. Nicole wraps her own stockings around her dark-polished toes, and then she crams a stocking into Ivana’s pussy. The girls’ cunnies are connected by nylon! Then Ivana crouches down and worships Nicole’s bare sole while Miss Smith fills her own snatch with a nylon. We get some hot closeups of Ivana sucking on Nicole’s size 7.5 toes, then Ivana sits on a crouching Nicole and boffs her pussy with a stocking. What a frenzy of nylon love and pussy penetration! Don’t miss it!

  • 00:20:08
  • Dec 19, 2011
  • 275


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