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laura cleans out his cock!

Laura wears a frilly cleaning lady’s outfit, as she waits on her busy boss David Perry. Dave s clearly occupied with weighty matters, writing on a pad and laptop and puffing on his pipe. Laura cautiously interrupts him, not wanting to break his train of thought, but of course he’s soon distracted by those legendary 40F floppers which are barely contained in the white and black lace of her uniform. Laura directs his face into her cleavage and soon he’s squeezing her tits under the material. Miss M. has to remind this absent-minded professor to remove the pipe from his mouth before the serious activity begins, and then it does--with David and Laura both licking her tits simultaneously, and Laura getting on her knees on the brown leather couch so she can comfortably suck his rigid wang.Laura jacks his johnson between her melons, then gets him down on his knees to lick her ass. Next he fucks her pussy from behind both while standing up and laying down alongside her. Laura climbs atop his pole and rides it as we watch the jiggling and swaying of her bells in high resolution pix and HD video captured in every horny detail by Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews...

  • 00:25:17
  • Feb 07, 2012
  • 421


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