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posed for our drooling delight!

Brookie G. sits down at a concert-style piano, placing her shod feet cutely if a mite rebelliously right on the ivories, a few shots later pressing the keys with her bare peds. Can you imagine being a piano teacher and having Brookie as your student?? "I ll play the Bartok sonata with my toes!" you imagine her saying, as she strips down to her thong, and demonstrates how lithe her legs are, pressing her left foot on the top of her blonde noggin!!Brookie is a super treat (and our Model of the Day), whether she s teasing us with her toes and soles, or kissing her image in the mirror and throwing some welcome breast-tease into the mix as well. But don t just take my word for it. Explore Brookie s pix and HD video for yourselves, and watch her sit her bare butt on the piano and press her tantalizing toes on the keyboard while she spreads her pussy with a naughty smile!

  • 00:18:54
  • Mar 07, 2012
  • 250


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