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parting her pretty thighs!

Wait until you see Bibi Noel, a newcomer to our site! This blonde is definitely something special. Posing in a low-cut pink top, pink panties, and pink high-heeled sandals, she quickly unveils her beautiful puffy nipples while showcasing her shapely legs. Bibi writhes around on a couch displaying a most tempting tush barely covered by the thong of her panties; and then she pulls aside her underpants to show that her cunny is as pink as her outfit. You’ll see her clit sticking out as she parts her lips with her prettily manicured fingers. After Bibi takes off her top, she teases us more with her crinkling nipples, then stands up and pulls apart her cheeks so we can see both her pussy and asshole. Bibi knows how to spread really wide and does it with a smile. Her legs look so smooth and inviting and her thighs are like a gateway into paradise!

  • 00:18:49
  • Feb 08, 2012
  • 218


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