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this sure beats aspirin

Choky Ice is feeling a little under the weather, but fortunately he has two sure remedies for his cold: hot tea brewed by his French friend Clanddi Jinkcego, and the attentions of her talented mouth! Even as he’s drinking the warm tea, Clanddi displays herself in her boulder-holder and matching panties; then she gets down on her knees to give his big dick some soothing cock sucking, deepthroat, and balls licking. In fact, the more she moves around his meat with her talented tongue, the healthier he begins to feel; whether he’s enjoying her beautifully manicured hand tugging his inches, or his meat sliding its way through her massive 34DD cleavage and right up to her waiting lips. He participates in some healthful cunny licking, too, and by the time he’s blasted his load all over her tongue and chin for a facial cumshot, he’s well on the mend.

  • 00:20:04
  • Dec 19, 2013
  • 494


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