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naughty newcomer rocks the cock!

Hungarian newcomer Bibi Noel joins Frank M. in this hot new hardcore set as they break in Bibi s new bed with a delightful array of pussy pounding positions! Frank gets home from a long day at the office and his new found honey is waiting patiently for him and his meatloaf to arrive. His babes motto is greet cock first, talk later.She unsheathes his baby arm before Frank even gets into the bed and then deep throats the large appendage while he finger bangs her luscious landing zone. Then she pops that sweet derriere up on the bed and takes it from the rear relentlessly before experimenting with the spoon position. We can see her pie being creamed from the pleasure she is receiving, and then it s time to saddle up and really dig down on the dick pop. The HD close ups rock and were able to observe every nook and cranny of Bibi s fabulous bod. When she s ready for her serving of silken cream, she puts out her tongue and the red piercing acts as a target zone. Bulls-eye! Right in the kisser!

  • 00:22:42
  • Feb 01, 2012
  • 406


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