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cutie in the tub!

Sultry yet friendly-looking newcomer Brook Scott seduces us in the bathroom in her debut appearance. Posing first in her black lace teddy, fishnet stockings, and heels, Brook does a gradual strip and reveals her lithe body to us in all its ivory splendor. She has gorgeous blue eyes and luscious red lips. Peeling down her stockings, she tantalizes us with her red polished size 6.5 toes; then enjoys a glass of wine before climbing into the rapidly filling tub. Sliding down into the water she lets us feast on her round derriere and her mostly shaved pussy with its little landing strip of hair on the mound. She parts her pussy under the water and teases us with her tongue as well as with her amazing smile. You just want to jump into the drink and take her in your arms! The water swirls around her, wetting her raven black hair as she caresses her breasts and coochie. When she finally fingers herself, you’ll almost be able feel her inner wetness on your own hands!! Afterward, she gets dolled up in some kinky bondage cuffs and collar as a bonus surprise.

  • 00:24:17
  • Jan 25, 2012
  • 201


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