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the naked ballerina!

When we first come upon Tracy Gold, she’s in the ballet studio playing the piano, but she quickly stands up and starts practicing her dance exercises in front of the mirror. She obviously has a few of the moves down as she tiptoes her barefoot way across the floor in her cutaway semi-tutu made of purple ribbons. Stripping down in front of the mirror, she gives us some good views of her pussy and ass, then stretches some more on the barre, wearing only little leg warmers around her ankles. She gets on the floor and poses doggie style, looking up as if inviting us to fuck her right then and there! Sure looks tempting! After giving us a nice nude show, she puts on a hot pink satin bra and panty set, pink booty shorts, and a sleeveless blue denim jacket and flip-flops--and she’s ready to go out into the world and tease everybody with her clothes on, a task that’s easy to accomplish for a girl as pretty as Tracy Gold!

  • 00:25:00
  • Jan 06, 2012
  • 215


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