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two angelicas mean twice the heat!

We start off 2012 with two hot Angelicas: Black Angelica from Romania, and Angelica Heart from Hungary. Between the two, these girls have clocked twelve sets on our site! They relax on a big purple bed and our DDF cameras capture the splendor of their shapely legs as they kiss and caress each other. Black Angelica removes her friend’s shoes and sucks those Hearty size 7.5 toes, and then Miss Heart returns the favor on Black Angelica’s size sixes. After licking the Romanian’s soles for awhile, Miss Heart takes down Black Angelica’s thong with her nimble toes, which leads to some very penetrating pussy play.Black Angelica rubs her own tootsies against Miss Heart’s clam, and then the ladies clinch on the bed and show us their soles. Black Angelica licks Miss Heart’s snatch in some hot closeups, before turning over her feet to Miss Heart who then licks her toes even more. It looks as if Angelica Heart really savors Black Angelica s feet--but who wouldn t?? Don’t miss these two beauties as they help us initiate the new year with some truly sole-ful loving!

  • 00:26:53
  • Jan 02, 2012
  • 326


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