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the girls are dining in tonight!

I ll take a double fur burger with fries please. Oh and perhaps two vanilla caramel shakes. Yep, that s what Hairy Twatter has in store for us today in the form of Isabelli and Silvie Delux. These two tall horny starlets from the Czech Republic get down on each other and unleash their foot fetish desires as well as their pubic hairs! Both taking turns worshiping and ingesting one anothers perfectly manicured peds. Enjoying tittie and clit rubdowns via toes and soles. A great new addition to the twatter team! At one point Isabelli is bent over doggy on the couch and Silvie foots her twat and gapes her asshole open while Isabelli wiggles and gyrates her hips. I man, to be behind that rumpus and replace that foot with our cocks or tongues would be a dream come true! Next Isabelli get sdown and start mowing Silvie s lawn with her tongue. She finds it hard to get in their with all the weeds growing, but she manages! Then it s Isabelli s turn to reap her reward for the mowing and she face plants Silvie to have her labia sucked to a speedy orgasm! Lucky or unlucky for Silvie, Isabelli s patch of home grown lawn is not as bushy as hers! Couple of awesome gals gettin their hot meals at home. Now that s team work right there!

  • 00:29:58
  • Dec 09, 2011
  • 241


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