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fetish holiday for josette

Check out the fantastically footy encounter between Josette Most and Cindy! Displaying their peds to us in strappy slides and slender ankle bracelets, the darker-haired Josette is soon receiving Cindy’s tongue on her feet. However, the girls take turns worshipping, and Josette turns out to be the most dedicated to feet--adoring Cindy’s soles and toes and sniffing her shoes. The cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews get amazing closeups of Josette’s mouth filled with Cindy’s pink-polished toes. The girls lick each other’s pussies through panties and on the bare, but then the foot fetish reasserts itself as Josette goes wild on Cindy’s feet, getting herself into different positions to best receive the thrusts of Cindy’s penetrating toes in her ever-so-willing mouth. Cindy sucks toe like a champion too, but you come away from these pix and video with the impression that it was a real fetish holiday for Josette to spend lots of quality time with Cindy’s wiggly digits, soft soles, and alluring insteps! Can t blame Josette--because Cindy is definitely a girl whose feet any fan would absolutely enjoy!

  • 00:21:06
  • Oct 03, 2011
  • 179


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