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forest fetish fun!

Victoria Blaze and Linet are in the forest on some kind of paramilitary mission, dressed in their camouflage gear and hiking footwear, when they take an obviously well-earned lesbian fetish break. The revolution can wait while these two cuties fondle their bodies, indulge in a little spanking, and then get down to some ass-licking and foot play.Victoria takes a deep whiff of Linet’s hiking boot, then takes off her socks and licks her soles and sucks her red-polished toes. Both girls savor the aromas of Linet’s socks, in fact. The cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews come in tight to show Victoria sucking on Linet’s big toe, before she then lays back so Linet can take off her heavy duty hiking shoe for some sniffs. Linet licks and sucks Victoria’s toes in turn, and then the girls lay down on the ground for some foot-69. Lucky Victoria gets to press her soles against Linet’s pretty titties, and then in the hottest shots, she kisses Linet’s ass and then moves down to worship her bare tiptoed feet. The girls finally end up on the ground again in a horny clinch, sucking titty and licking tootsies!

  • 00:30:18
  • Sep 26, 2011
  • 223


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