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tan lines and multicolored dildos!

Linet and Victoria Blaze are at it again in this hot summery poolside seen brought to you by DDF. These girls put the HOT in summer as they bask in their extra sultry pink and baby blue bikinis. Dripping tons of silken suntan oil all over their voluptuous curves, they slip and slide their gorgeous naked bodies all over each other. Firm tits finding each other s hungry mouths and some savory outdoor twat licking and sucking that will pop your prick up to salute these two wanton babes. Out come the multi-colored dildos and the girls get the filling that they need in this sun drenched scene! Right now I m wishing to be reincarnated into one of those candy colored dildos and just live my life right inside of their sweet, sweet love!

  • 00:28:20
  • Aug 26, 2011
  • 286


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