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big boobs under see-thru coats!

Marta and Jaye Rose are pretty new to our site, so check ‘em out when they have an unusual encounter in the shower. Jaye, from the United Kingdom, wears a yellow transparent plastic coat; and Marta, from the Czech Republic, wears a red one of the same type. We can see Marta’s 34Ds and Jaye’s 36DDs clearly through their wraps, as well as the rest of their delectable anatomies. Why are they wearing coats in the shower? Well, why not?? And I have to say that Marta in particular looks very sexy when she pulls up the scarlet hoodie over her black tresses but opens her coat and shows off her wet nude body.The girls spray each other with the shower attachment, and tug aside their coats so we can get a better look at their titties. We get cock-stiffening solo shots of both babes as they relax against the tub and tiles. And at the end they pose together for us, portrait-style, half out of their drenched coats, showing off their combined seventy inches of mouthwatering boobage!

  • 00:15:07
  • Jun 14, 2011
  • 183


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