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elegant shoe and pantyhose show!

Beautiful shoes and pantyhose accentuate the legs and feet of two of our sexiest models, Linet and Zuzana Z. Zuzana wears gray leopard print sling-back open-toe pumps that have sweet little bows on the front. Linet wears black open-toe pumps with jewels on the vamps. Very chic footwear which tempts the tongues of both young ladies!Zuzana shows herself a real trouper in the shoe worship department, licking Linet s heels and soles both inside and out, and sniffing them deeply as well. Once the shoes come off, it s foot-sucking time for the babes through the pantyhose. They re both wearing the type of pantyhose that mimics the shape of stockings and garters, but while Zuzana s pussy is bare, Linet also wears elegant black lace panties. Zuzana presses her shoe against Linet s panty crotch, while Linet squeezes Zuzana s right foot between her breasts. Then the girls stretch out on the bed and pose their pantyhosed legs for us.The ever-attentive cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews cap

  • 00:29:17
  • Jun 06, 2011
  • 308


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