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socks on feet and in pussy [part 1]

Girls in knee socks are a favorite of many fetish fans, so check out the girl-girl grope when Kassey Krystal and Jenna Lovely show off their socks...both on their legs and stuffed inside their pussies! Jenna wears a white pair but Kassey s are more of a novelty, with a high-button wingtip boot pattern. The ladies pose their socked legs and feet as well as their pantied bottoms before doffing their underwear to free up those hot slits for action. Denys DeFrancesco and his crews give us many closeups of the panties moving down the gals ankles and off their feet. Then Kassey tugs off Jenna s right sock, revealing her red-polished bare toes and very high arches, and Jenna returns the favor, sliding her hands into Kassey s left sock and pulling it down to expose those luscious Krystal digits.Laying back on the bed, the girls use their feet to stuff the socks into their pussies, moving the fabric in and out of those snug snatches. Their boxes seem really tight, judging how by muscular control they re able to keep the socks in there even while pulling on them. How d you like to visit pussies like that with your tongue, cock, or fingers?Jenna holds a sock in front of Kassey s nose so her friend can take some deep whiffs before sucking on the cloth. Jenna still has a sock on left foot, and she licks her own toes through the sock while Kassey laps at her pussy. Then finally Kassey removes Jenna s remaining sock, and clamps her red lips on Miss Lovely s inviting and now nude left heel. It sure looks delicious!!

  • 00:21:56
  • May 16, 2011
  • 201


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