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bare feet and hula hoops!

To say that Nikita is "cute" is an understatement like, "The universe is big." She is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE and totally, innocently sexy as she poses in her pink and yellow tee, cut-off denim shorts, pink ankle socks, and a rainbow-colored HULA HOOP! We get lots of shots of her playing with the hoop, pressing it against her socked feet, and then whirling it around her narrow waist. Then Nikita lays down on the couch, takes off her shorts, and tugs off one sock and sniffs it. She tantalizes us with one socked foot and one nude foot as she rubs her soles and curls her toes against the hula hoop. Once she finally peels off the other sock, she presses both bare soles against the hoop and flexes and stretches her toes. She looks us right in the eyes with the warmest expression, as if to imply that even at age nineteen she understands the need of some males to STARE, STROKE, AND SQUIRT for pretty girls! Then she peels aside her panty crotch to reveal her shaved slit while she thrusts her high-arched feet toward our faces.There are some phenomenal poses here, things she does with her feet, that are worthy of inclusion in any collector s personal erotic museum! I would say this pictorial is one of the true masterpieces from Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews, a Best of HLF that alone is worth the price of a membership for all its gorgeously colorful and stimulating images of a ravishing young female who completely enslaves us with her smile and sweetness!! You could decorate an entire wall by printing out these photos and framing them. And as if all this isn t enough, she brings out another hula hoop and whirls both of them around her arms before finishing off with a hoop twirling around her ankle!

  • 00:17:22
  • Apr 09, 2009
  • 151


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