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telltale wetness

Beautiful brunette Sasha B. from the United Kingdom is dressed up in some flirty finery today, but when she sits down on the chair and opens her legs, her secret is out: she has a spot of moisture right in the middle of her light blue panties, revealing that she is very aroused to be posing.Quickly she leans back and slides her fingers into her underpants to feel the gathering wetness in her pie, recognizing that it needs deep treatment immediately in the form of a huge lavender vibrator which she sucks and then rubs against her damp slit. Pulling aside her panties for maximum freedom, she lifts up her long legs so that she can stuff herself with the toy.As the excitement grows in her body, she peels off her duds, only stopping to rub the vibe against her hardening nipples as she continues to make herself naked for us, displaying her splendid 32DD / 70F titties on her way to a shattering orgasm! Enjoy today’s DDF Network glamour porn and come back for more.

  • 00:28:19
  • Feb 16, 2010
  • 247


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