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so inviting to our rods

The striking Cathy Heaven shows up today in some elegant lingerie and stockings to tease with her long legs and curvaceous figure. The Hungarian beauty takes her time, first giving us a gradual strip out of her lacy chemise and then sitting down on the floor to spread her thighs and unveil the delectable treasure of her crotch. Her long legs look especially great in sheer black nylons as she perches on her high heels, but the stockings eventually come off and Cathy kneels on the floor in the stunning altogether, bare right down to the tips of her toes. Some of the best shots in this sensuous serving of glamour porn are where Cathy sticks her bottom high up in the air, as if inviting our aching rods to step right into the scene and do what they must with her alluring bod!

  • 00:12:39
  • Apr 14, 2011
  • 243


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