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flirt with the senorita

The delectable Yoha is from Colombia, and she greets us today dressed as a flirty senorita in a red lace dress, black seamed thigh high stockings, red strappy heels, and a large red flower in her hair. She even has a lacy red and black fan in her hand, over which she looks at us with her dark inviting eyes. But quickly enough she gets down to bold seduction, teasing us with her 34B tits in her lacy bra, tantalizing us with her tight round butt, and spreading her dark-lipped pussy with her red-polished fingertips. Once she’s basically nude except for stockings and shoes, Yoha gets out a huge glass dildo that she crams first in her pussy, then her asshole. You’ll wish you could come to her rescue as a gallant caballero with your cock, and jump into these glamour porn pix to fuck her silly with the real fleshy thing!!

  • 00:24:20
  • Dec 02, 2009
  • 199


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