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the intimate hour

Can you imagine if there were a law that required all wives and girlfriends to spend one hour each week at a specific time giving their men closeup tease shows? Contemplate this concept with us! Picture a show from a girl like Natalia Forrest from the United Kingdom, for example. She greets you when you come home from a long day at work, makes you a terrific dinner, and then gives you her weekly required performance. Laying back on a couch in her skimpy duds, teasing you not only with her slender but curvy shape, but with those green eyes and that daring double-pierced tongue! Peeling down to her heart-throbbingly tasty 32B-25-37 bareness, spreading her lips and displaying her derriere while you stare and stroke in appreciation! There will probably never be such a law in today’s world...but it’s a nice fantasy to contemplate, especially with Natalia’s uninhibited behavior bringing such an “intimate hour” to life in her glamour porn nude pics and erotic video!

  • 00:14:31
  • Nov 05, 2010
  • 240


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