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at her oral mercy!

It’s funny how attitude can do so much to affect our perception of people. One girl can look as if she has total control when she performs an activity that another female can look completely submissive at. Case in point: Allison, as she takes Martin’s enormous cock in hand and mouth as they enjoy a shower together. As her green towel slides away from her nubile body, she grips his huge organ, kneels in the tub, and takes him into her mouth. As she looks at us with her bright green eyes, sliding his meat firmly into her face, cupping his nuts in her red-polished fingertips, and even squatting underneath him as he perches on the side of the tub, SHE is the one who looks like she’s in charge--not him. His meat is completely and, we d say, HAPPILY at the mercy of this minx’s mighty mouth--as she laps at his tip with the flat of her tongue or nibbles along the length of his shaft with her pretty teeth. Needless to say, she gets a huge load out of him, all over her tongue, teeth, and chin, and she grins at us with total confidence that we are beating our own meat furiously, wishing WE were at her oral mercy now ourselves!

  • 00:13:06
  • Feb 17, 2013
  • 153


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