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pampers our eyes!

After a long hard day, it’s nice to know that there is somebody waiting for you, ready to give you pampering and enjoyment. Even if she’s not there in the flesh, she can pamper your eyes! And such is the case with Kathlen, as this lovely Czech greets you online in her sensuous lingerie, ready to slid the black teddy aside to show you her animal print bra and panties. Here is a superb example of glamour porn as this hot babe strips down to her vitals (36B-28-38) and stands before you, playing with her tits and peeling her thong down her round, tempting bottom. She lays on the couch, lifts her legs, and plays with her pink pussy, her French manicured fingers spreading the tender lips and inviting you to partake of her sweetness and wetness in your most horny fantasies. She lays on her tummy and spreads her snatch, giving you the not-so-subtle suggestion that doggie style is something she’d very much enjoy--and pronto!

  • 00:16:29
  • May 10, 2009
  • 114


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