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explosive erotic element!

Dunia Montenegro from Spain seems to be standing in a chemistry classroom today, judging by the chart of the elements hanging on the walls. Back in our school days, chemistry classes were never graced by anybody as sexy as this! Torrid in her low-cut black leather minidress and high heeled pumps, Dunia shows off her butt which is barely covered by a black thong. She slips her hand under the lacy front of the thong, then shows us her titties too. Well, we guess you could say this is an experiment in chemistry--the chemistry of our nuts responding to her teasing!! She shows us her dark peach of a pussy, licks her fingers, and then fills herself with her golden-manicured digits as preparation for the long fat dildo she crams into her twat. Holy shit, is that proxy prick ever huge, and she takes it very impressively deep! Stripping off her outfit completely, she enjoys the toy in her quim even as she fingers her butthole. Somebody name a new element after this explosively erotic babe! Call it Dunium!!

  • 00:21:07
  • May 06, 2009
  • 203


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