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an artist with sole

We have a spectacular encounter today that really exemplifies the type of action so many of us devoutly wish would happen to our own cocks! Nick Lang stands in for everyone as he attempts to leave for a business trip, but Alysa from Russia will not let him go! She tempts him with her delectable size 6.5 feet in beautiful wedgies, but the shoes quickly come off and he enjoys a feast of toe sucking fun in this barefoot extravaganza. But keep in mind that Alysa watches us, too, silently urging us with her eyes to take out our dicks as she demonstrates what a total footjob artist she is, truly putting her "sole" into it! Curling her toes to show off their orange polish, as well as her smooth high arches, Alysa takes total command of Nick not only with her peds but with her pussy and ass as well, getting roundly fucked in all her holes while making sure we’re watching closely. When Nick pulls out of her butt, the gape is huge, but in the same shot she curls her soles at us, almost as if she wishes we could plunge into the scene and worship her feet pronto! The girl is insatiable, and is rewarded with long blasts of sperm that rain down her calves as she smiles and laughs in sexy joy in this unforgettable fetish XXX video. Alysa is our Model of the Day.

  • 00:38:39
  • Dec 06, 2013
  • 250


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