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pantyhose temptations!

Victoria Blaze returns for her third appearance on our site, and the seductive Czech tantalizes us in her little dress, patterned pantyhose, and black patent leather pumps. Laying on a couch, she tugs up her frock and we can see that her tights have the patterns of panties, garters, and stockings. She flirts with her lingerie, standing up and showing us her butt, crossing her legs and teasing us with the black crotch panel of her pantyhose. We see her purple manicure underneath the nylon, her fingers sliding near her pussy. Tempting us with her nipples, she then takes off her shoes, sniffs them, and licks the heels to show us how long and hard they are.Crouching down with her top off, Victoria flexes her feet in the hosiery, sticking out her legs at us, then standing up and squatting so we can see her high arches. She peels down the waistband of her tights and we can enjoy her naked pussy and asshole. Spreading her pink, she drives us crazy with the sight of her butt and the bottoms of her feet in those hosiery. The tights keep sliding down her legs, until finally she peels them off completely and we can savor the sight of her bare size 6.5 feet. She sniffs her hose and rubs it over her pussy, then turns around on her tummy and sticks her bare soles at us for worship.

  • 00:20:58
  • Jun 27, 2012
  • 230


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