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destination: pleasure!

After a long day of traveling, Zafira and Black Angelica are tired from being in their heels! And so when they reach their hotel room, it’s time to get down to their pantyhose and massage each other’s feet. Angelica from Romania looks so sexy crouching in her nude colored hosiery as she kneels behind Zafira and kneads her friend s Hungarian peds in their sheer black pantyhose. You’ll love watching the girls in action as they savor each other s soles, with Angelica’s size 6 marvels and Zafira’s size 7.5 beauties presented up close for our pleasure from so many different angles you’ll be studying and stroking to this scene for a week! You’ll almost be able to feel the texture of the hose containing the warmth of their pornstar flesh as these two delightful dolls indulge their own foot fetish to the max. A double dong comes into play as the gals tug down their hosiery to fill their quims and climax!

  • 00:29:31
  • May 06, 2013
  • 321


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