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innocent pink fingerings!

If there is anybody that knows how to work the sweet and innocent look to the max, it’s Hungarian honey Judy Smilz. The brown-eyed brunette cutie has the slim, lithe body of a young teen, and knows just how to look at the camera coyishly, like a little tease. Today she appears to us in a black and white checkered shirt tied above her belly, which happens to be her favorite part of her body. We can understand why! Below she wears a mini jeans skirt that emphasizes her long, slender legs. She takes her slow, sweet time stripping down to her panties, all the while running her hands along her body, and spends the rest of her fingers’ attention on her pretty trimmed pussy, first with her panties pulled to the side, then pulled down to her thighs, and then with them finally off. Don’t miss the nice close-ups as she rubs circles on her clit and pumps two fingers deep within her pink. And you’ll love to watch her body undulate with every pull and thrust! Perhaps not so innocent?

  • 00:32:57
  • Jan 03, 2013
  • 175


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