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new year gazonga getaway!

Jelena Jensen is waiting for us in her colorful bikini and laying on a beach chair, almost as if she’s inviting us to a little warm weather getaway to help start the new year! Sounds good, Jelena! We’ll certainly enjoy observing as you get on your knees and tease with your cleavage, gripping your gazongas together with your upper arms as you give us those trademark sultry Jensen looks. And we’ll certainly feel like we’re on a mini-vacation when you slowly peel down that bikini top to share the nakedness of your knockers with their light brown nipples, which crinkle so becomingly as our DDF cameras click away!Yep, this’ll be a good way to start 2013, watching you bite on the straps of your bikini top as your boobs hang free for sucking. Then, it’ll be a pleasure to watch you stick that round butt at us, before you lay back and take out a black dildo to service the needs of your always exciting pussy. First, we’ll get to watch you warm up that lucky device by nestling it between your nummies; then, after you tug down your bottom and reveal your little landing strip of pubies, we’ll enjoy watching you thrusting the phallus into the pink flowery folds of your snatch! Of course, we’ll be doing a little disrobing ourselves, freeing our stroke sticks from our shorts to join you in this ride to ecstasy!We’ll be watching your tits jiggle and sway as you squat over your toy, the gleam of perspiration building on your boobs as you come closer to an explosion. And we’ll keep our eyes on you even as we celebrate your beauty with our spunk--a beauty which is so well-captured in the soft sunlight as you masturbate yourself in doggie style while giving us sideboob views!

  • 00:16:01
  • Jan 03, 2013
  • 263


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