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high- panty show!

The eternal appeal of high- panties is made wonderfully clear in Danielle Mayes new scene today. There is something about the way such scanties hug the waist, emphasize the tummy, and provide a thin but fortress-like shell for the pussy and ass that makes them hugely erotic, especially if you love being teased by a woman. When they are peeled down so that the ladys treasures are revealed, you feel as if you have reached some kind of promised land. Danielle looks born to wear this style of underwear, with her curvaceous shape and long legs which emphasize her pelvis in the panties. Attired also in a matching bra, garters, nude stockings, and slingback heels, she is a retro pinup girl come to life. Hands on her hips, she looks at us with a proud smile that shows she is happy to wear such classic lingerie. Our DDF cameras capture her splendidly as she sits on a chair and ottoman, posing her pins for our admiration and arousal. Best of all, when she starts to strip, she takes her time, f

  • 00:20:10
  • Dec 12, 2012
  • 247


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