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magic makeup lotion

The temptations of a male makeup artist in the porn industry must be incredible! Working day after day glamming up the most beautiful hot babes with their moist mouths and tantalizing bodies! What a gig. And, as you see here, Lucy Bell makes it hard for George Uhl to resist her when she shows off her pussy while taking out his big dick for some eagerly awaiting cock sucking in the makeup room! George rubs her twat and licks her asshole to warm up this Czech pornstar, then she gets him sitting in the chair for some deepthroat and balls licking even as he continues to put powder on her face! Talk about dedication to his craft!! She teases George with the tip of his makeup brush, then bends over to take his shaft further down into her lips until he rewards her with some magic face lotion on her chin and chest--a gooey concoction that’s NOT in the Makeup Artist Handbook!!

  • 00:16:34
  • Oct 02, 2013
  • 187


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