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buzzing to climax!

Oh wow, look who’s back! Tracy Delicious, also known as Tracy Lindsay, shows up in a turquoise top, matching peep toe heels, and very cool white tights that have Pop Art comic book panels as a pattern! Laying back on a couch, she spreads her thighs and lets us see the crotch panel to which she quickly takes a scissor. Snip, snip, and then we can see her pink pussy just as she’s already shown us her pretty 34B titties by pulling down her top! Tracy displays her snatch through the hole she s cut in the nylon, and then she stands up and spotlights her butt in the pantyhose as well. Sitting on a glass coffee table, she fingers her naked pie and we get some great closeups from our DDF cameraman shooting upward at a worshipful angle. Tracy looks down at us with a sly smile on her face, and then she fulfills her needs with a long pink plastic toy. We get more amazing closeups of her pussy--and asshole, too!--as the toy lingers in her clam, buzzing her sexy Czech body to complete fulfillment!

  • 00:17:34
  • Dec 02, 2012
  • 209


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