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barefoot babe gets off!

Cayenne Klein entertains us today, starting off in a flowing yellow dress and matching yellow lace panties. Down comes the frock so we can see her 38A titties, and she pulls her underpants aside to reveal her flowery pussy. Cayenne has shapely legs and shows them off in purple platform pumps, turning this way and that on the couch; then our DDF cameras come close as she shows us her butt-crack and looks over her shoulder with a challenging, come-hither stare.Taking out a glass dildo, she crams it into her snatch, then lays back comfortably and rubs it over her clit. Lifting up her legs with her yellow panties bunched at her knees, Cayenne lets us see the dildo sticking out of her slit like a transparent tail. Then getting completely naked, without even any shoes to cover her size 6 soles, she seriously gets down to the business of dildo-banging her barefoot self while we observe in gigantic high resolution closeups and Full HD video.

  • 00:29:34
  • Oct 02, 2012
  • 284


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