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housemaid vacuums her tits!

Hmm, we wondered why it seemed like the cleaning in the house hasn’t been very well done! It turns out that our sexy servant Pamela has been getting, shall we say, a little distracted! We present the proof for you here as we catch this busty Hungarian housemaid clearly in dirty dereliction of her duties as she takes out an orange vibrator she hid in the couch and then masturbates herself along with the assistance of the vacuum cleaner! Using the vacuum on herself through her uniform, bra, and then on her bare 34C tits, Pamela gets off on the suction power as it vibrates against her pale inverted nipples as well on as her pussy through her flower print panties. Taking off her uniform completely, she luxuriates with the vacuum as the suction tugs on her nubs. She even simultaneously applies the vibe to one nipple and the vacuum to the other.Leaning back on the couch, Pamela gets herself even more comfortable by taking off her panties so she can fuck herself with the toy while vacuuming her knockers. Sometimes, though, she looks our way, as if she really would like a human to jump into the scene so she’s not just having a threesome with these, well, these robot substitutes! But since nobody’s around, she continues on her mechanical path to orgasm, until finally she’s climaxed and calmed herself down and can get back into her uniform before she’s caught goofing off! Ha-ha, this naughty maid thinks we don’t know her secret! Maybe she’ll earn herself a spanking sometime for this behavior! Won’t that make her big boobies wobble!!

  • 00:18:31
  • Sep 30, 2012
  • 202


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