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doctor s strange therapy [pt 1]

Kathia Nobili and Nick Lang enact the roles of patient and doctor in today’s foray into the bizarre. When Kathia shows up at Dr. Lang’s clinic for a test, she doesn’t realize he’s switched from traditional medicine to PVC therapy...yes, that’s right, he believes instead of the usual methods of healing, that dressing in tight PVC clothing will help his female patients back to health! Maybe the pressure of paying off his student loans has finally sent the doc over the edge? Because he’s clearly gone out of his mind...and Kathia has to deal with his peculiar behavior! She didn’t see him when he was alone, sniffing stockings...but she sees him now as he insists she wear the PVC garments. When she says she’d rather not, he decrees a spanking is the only alternative therapy that he could prescribe. Down comes her skirt and she is bent over his examining table for a thorough bottom warming with his hand. Her cheeks are blushing red with his palm prints. Taking off her panties completely, he lays her across the table nude and really gives her a spanking to remember, her seat meat wobbling with each resounding smack. Then she sees the wisdom of putting on the PVC duds. First the garter belt, then the black PVC stockings, then the red waist-cincher...he squeezes her butt as it juts out over the stockings, and then uses his stethoscope to check her responses. But what will come next with this demented medico? He has Kathia kneel submissively on the step stool while he temporarily leaves the room. Be here for the next installment to find out what he does when he returns!

  • 00:15:40
  • Sep 07, 2012
  • 226


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