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chemistry with her toys!

Nicole Smith has a fine ole time with a powder blue vibrator today, and we get to watch every last plunge of the plastic phallus into her pussy. Magnificent high resolution closeups demonstrate how mechanical meat can get the juices flowing in a girl who really has chemistry with her toys! But first, the scene starts off with this Hungarian beauty posing on a stairway in her pink bustier top, blue miniskirt, and thigh high patterned nylons. She also has some sexy blue peep toe pumps at the ends of her curvy legs. Nicole pulls down her top to show us her 36C titties, then tugs up her skirt so we can enjoy the sight of her panties and snatch as she squats in front of the camera. After displaying her round jutting butt, she finally takes out her toy, licks and then rubs it against her naked box. She slides it into her lips, fucking herself with ever-increasing hunger and need as our lenses capture it all. Youll enjoy the many angles Denys DeFrancesco and his crews get on Nicole, especial

  • 00:15:38
  • Sep 04, 2012
  • 274


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