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judy pulls our loads!

Mega-cutie Judy Smilz is here for us in this hot set, posing in the simple setting of a couch covered with a white sheet, a location that showcases her many charms magnificently! Lithe and pretty, this brunette Hungarian babe wears a fetching blue plaid bikini, writhing around on the couch, opening her legs and getting us all hot and bothered without even revealing any of her hottest parts! If you love to watch a sexy young girl just rolling around for awhile, you will really enjoy this. Of course, since this is, eventually Judy does start showing us her pussy and titties, giving them to us in quick glimmers under the fabric of her bikini top and bottom; but eventually we can see it all, her exciting little brown nub-like nipples, and her smooth shaven snatch. Judy jumps around, full of girlish fun, showing us the shape of her bottom and the strength of her legs, and even the bottoms of her bare size 7.5 feet. Our DDF cameras give us a fantastic visual tour of this down-to-earth beauty, one that you and your cock won’t want to miss! You’ll see her spread but you’ll also see her leaning back relaxed with her blue plaid bikini bottom puddling around her foot as she waits for a guy to put his arms around her narrow waist and pull her close for his cocking! Judy’s intimate brown bedroom eyes will make you feel like she’s right there in your room with you, encouraging you to one load after the other!!

  • 00:26:46
  • Aug 29, 2012
  • 201


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