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spectacular beauty hotter than ever

Dorothy Black looks super-fine in this new scene. This sensuous Hungarian has now racked up 24 appearances on our site! Here she starts out in a killer gray low-cut satin dress that hugs her 34D-24-35 curves and presents her abundant cleavage most delightfully. And when she tugs up the hem we get some incredible shots of her taut tan thighs, which are world-class! When she squats and sits down on the floor, Dorothy shows off her shapely calves, which have an erotic sheen and smoothness so tantalizing to the eye and testicles. She plays with her pussy and showcases her nipples, and continues to arrange her gams throughout in skillful poses. Taking off her bra and pulling aside her panties, she crams her snatch with her elegantly manicured fingers, and then she lays over a chair and displays herself both front and back, including that inviting asshole between her tempting cheeks. Dorothy is just amazing here, and we hope she comes back for at least another 24 appearances!

  • 00:23:00
  • Jul 18, 2012
  • 241


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