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enjoying her cunny rocket!

Lucky us! We start out the week with Bailey Ryder, and what a cutie she is! Lounging in her pink camisole, she moves around her bed showing us that sleek Czech bod from many angles. Slipping the front of her cami down, she lets us peek at those 34B titties, and then she tugs aside her matching panties so we can glimpse her mostly shaven snatch. Bailey’s got a little toy with her, a tiny hot pink rocket on a wire, and she slides it into her quim where it will do the most good for her--and for us! Holding the remote control, she regulates the vibrations of the rocket even as she moves it over her cunny lips. Taking off her panties completely in a series of shots that show them slowly peeled away from her crotch, she rubs her undies against her face and then concentrates on putting the toy inside her slot and letting it work its magic. We see the toy hanging out of her pie as she poses for us in the doggie position and brings herself to a climax. Hot show indeed from a tasty looking babe!

  • 00:12:50
  • Jul 08, 2012
  • 191


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