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more hope for the horny!

Cindy Hope aka Klaudia is one of our faves around here at DDF Productions, and today you get to enjoy her twenty-fourth appearance on our site! This time she poses in a dark pink dress and matching high-heeled sandals, showing off her butt and teasing us with her crack through her black thong. She pulls down the front of her frock and we see her sexy titties, then she leans back and starts playing with her dark-lipped pink snatch. With a delighted smile on her face, she penetrates herself deeply with her fingers. Then stretching out on the couch, she pulls her dress down some more and tantalizes our testes with her pussy, as Denys DeFrancesco and his crews come in for some incredible closeups.Still half in her dress, Cindy relaxes on her tummy on the couch and plays with herself some more, before getting on her knees for doggie style and letting our eyes and imaginations zoom in tightly on her pussy and butthole! She just can’t keep her fingers away from that delectable crotch of hers, and you’ll see it in all its vibrant pink glory!

  • 00:15:58
  • Jun 08, 2012
  • 215


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