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meet this new cutie!

Let’s give a rousing and gooey welcome to newcomer Victoria Puppy from the Czech Republic as she does her first pictorial and video for us! Wearing a pretty off-the-shoulder frock complete with a pink rose over her bosom to match her pink heels, Victoria stretches across a couch and lets us see her panty crotch, soon tugging aside the fabric to reveal her pussy.She’s eager to slide her fingers inside, but first she takes off her dress and lets us gaze at her scrumptious little 32A boobies with their big brown nipples. Taking down her panties and squatting on the rug, she spreads herself wide and slides her French-manicured digits inside, then lays on the couch and pulls herself even wider apart. A pink toy with a rabbit attachment comes into play next, and Miss Puppy wets it with her mouth before slipping it into her snatch so that the rabbit head can simultaneously stimulate her clit. Vicky really goes to town on her toy, and shows us in huge closeups how juicy and wet it makes her. Then she playfully poses on the couch in the final shots, showcasing her smile, legs, and booty like the cutie she is!

  • 00:15:15
  • Jun 12, 2012
  • 187


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