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her dildo gets a workout!

Ready to get us off to a horny start today is Stacy Snake, new to our site but having already gotten some important experience in stimulating our fans by posing for,, and Here the lovely lithe Miss Snake shows up in a midriff-bearing animal print top, blue denim cut-off skirt, and strappy high heels. She flashes us her round ass with its black thong up the crack, then tugs aside the crotch to reveal her very wet pussy. Some girls really LOVE to show it all as a camera clicks, and Stacy is surely one of them. Sliding fingers into her dampness, she then pulls apart the pink as our lenses get ever more close. But the fun is only beginning as she licks a large ribbed glass dildo and crams it into her drenched slot. She plays with her 36AA titties and bends over on the couch, fucking herself doggie style with the proxy prick. Laying back, she sucks her toy some more, rubs it on her sweet lil boobies, and then finishes herself off. Afterward she holds up the dildo with a naughty grin, as if she expects one of us to go wash it off for her!! Holy shit, wotta kinky babe!!!

  • 00:33:54
  • May 27, 2012
  • 189


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