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welcome to mouth inn

Kristof is so happy he decided to stay at the Mouth Inn for his vacation. True, it’s a bit more expensive than most bed-and-breakfasts, but the extras are legendary... Extras like the “Welcome to Mouth Inn” cock sucking at check-in, performed by two members of the staff, redhead Denisa Heaven and her pal Monalee...they greet Kristof and his hard-on heartily, taking the sausage into their hands for some double-trouble balls licking and deepthroat... As the gals get more and more into the meat before them, they can’t help but peel out of their own duds, so they can caress, suck and kiss themselves and get licked in turn by Kristof and his horny tongue... When Kristof’s cream arrives, it’s a big shipment blasting into the air in a frothy ribbon that lands with true boner brio all over Denisa’s tongue and chin, a puddle which is readily shared in a cum swap with Monalee!

  • 00:28:10
  • Jun 22, 2014
  • 246


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