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serve her soapy toes!

Allison teases us in her bath and our cocks are all the harder and hornier for it! It starts in a bubble bath as Allison gives us peeks of her size 7.5 feet as she raises them up from the foam. She gives us a look that says, “You’ll wanna lick these even if they’re soapy!” The cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews move around Allison and we get her foot teasing from many angles as she lounges in the tub, and you’ll feel that you’re right there kneeling in front of her as she presents her prettily polished toenails.Standing up, Allison rinses herself with a sponge, all the while putting her feet on the edge of the tub to drive us crazier with the desire to kiss and suck her soapy tootsies. Judging by the haughty expressions on her face, she knows she’s got us where she wants us to be: kneeling and ready to serve! Put yourself into the scene in your imagination: will you be naked in front of her, too? Because she looks as if she wants to see our cocks jutting out in desire for her feet...and the rest of her trim, taut 32AA-25-35 body! Allison tantalizes us with her firm butt and pink pussy, even as she rolls around in the tub and rubs her toes and soles together. Anybody for a big glass of Allison’s bath water? We have the fantasy that if we don’t worship her soapy toes just right, she’ll have us drink it as punishment as she gets herself dressed in her panties and black camisole and gives us her best evil smile!!

  • 00:18:01
  • May 23, 2012
  • 177


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