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shapely, curvaceous, irresistible!

Black Angelica has always been one of our favorites, and here she is back for her twentieth appearance on our site. She starts out in a pretty and colorful dress and elegant shoes, and stretches out on a couch. Tugging up her hem, she gives us a nice view of her irresistible butt in snug gray lace panties, then she stands up and lets us admire her shapely legs as she poses on her stiletto heels. The frock soon comes off and we enjoy Angelica in her matching bra and panty, which perfectly accent her delicious 36B-23-34 figure. She pulls aside her panty crotch and fingers her pussy for awhile, then stands up again and peels the panties off the curvaceous globes of her bottom. When she’s finally naked (except for those sexy shoes), she penetrates herself even more deeply with her well-manicured digits. As always, it’s a pleasure to observe the sperm-inspiring beauty of this ever-vibrant vixen!

  • 00:27:17
  • May 04, 2012
  • 543


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