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mouth maneuvers!

More and more women are eager to join the military these days. Beyond the obvious reasons of patriotism, steady work and pay, travel, and educational opportunities, maybe theres another reason never advertised in recruiting posters: cock in unexpected places!
Case in point, we see Pamela arriving at her new post and discovering an interesting variation on the glory hole. A prick is waiting for her, sticking out of the camouflage!
Of course shes not going to pass up an opportunity like this. Who knows how much meat shell get once she reaches the front lines? Hopefully theres nobody else around now except her and this big dick.
Yes, its time for her to give that shaft some deepthroat and balls licking. And while shes at it, shell take out her tits so she can rub the rod between her cleavage. Itll create a nice memory to tingle her twat when the going gets rugged.
Watch Pamela go wild on that tubesteak in these sexy blowjob pics, munching down on the inches until she earns h

  • 00:24:50
  • May 11, 2014
  • 241


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