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submissive in charge!

Judy Smilz shows great devotion to the feet of Nelly Sullivan in this very erotic encounter! Although she is the one performing the traditionally submissive duties of foot worship, Judy really seems to be in charge here, making for an interesting current of complex carnality throughout the entire set! As the pix and Full HD video open, our girls are lounging around in their lingerie on a bed, their feet adorned in nylon patterned ankle socks. Judy quickly starts using her tongue and lips on Nelly in all the ways any seasoned foot lover would. She kneels at Nelly’s feet or climbs on the bed and worships them. Noting how Nelly is getting aroused, Judy rubs her own nylon foot on her friend’s panty-covered crotch. Then Judy takes down Nelly’s socks with her teeth, and the action soon gets even more frisky! We see Nelly’s size 8.5 toes in closeups through the nylon, then bare when Judy gets the socks off. Judy really goes to town on those toes and soles, licking with the flat of her tongue and then crouching at the bottom of the bed to roll those tootsies in her lips. She truly enjoys a feast of the Sullivan soles as Nelly relaxes on the bed like a pampered princess. But Nelly returns the favor by then caressing her bare soles against Judy’s pussy while Judy playfully bites her thighs! Then Judy rubs her own still-nylon clad size 7.5 instep hard against Nelly’s snatch, until Nelly pulls off Judy’s socks and stuffs them into her own pussy. It all ends with the girls exchanging a sweet kiss over the nylon!

  • 00:36:52
  • Apr 30, 2012
  • 263


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