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great to have you back!

The lovely Bella Baby returns and not a moment too soon! This blue-eyed cutie with the 32B-23-33 chassis teases us in a little gray chemise-style dress, flashing her satiny panties while showing off her strong young legs in bulky but sexy boots. Tantalizing us with her titties and shaved veegee, she squeezes her cunny between her fingers and plumps her slit out toward us in an almost 3D effect. You’ll just want to take a long lick in that groove, and rub your rod in that tasty trough! She invites us to study her asshole, and then she sits down on the chair and proceeds to take off her panties and stuff them up her snatch. What a delicacy they become once moistened by her inner goodness! Bella takes off the boots so we can enjoy the sight of her bare feet too, as she flexes her toes while pulling the panties out of her pussy. A hot, fun set of pix and Full HD video!

  • 00:17:45
  • May 01, 2012
  • 220


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