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cutie holds the cue!

Who hasn’t thought about sex on a pool table? Or at least playing a game of eight ball with a hot chick--maybe a NAKED hot chick? Well, we enable you to savor this fantasy when Becky Holt shows up in her short blue denim jacket, black bra, and blue jean booty shorts to knock around a few balls...and to fill up OUR balls with a load just aching to spray! Becky teases us by unzipping her shorts and flashing the tattoo just above her crotch, then she poses with the cue stick before giving us a sultry striptease. What perky tits, taut tummy, and round tushy she has! You’ll have a “hard” time deciding what you like more--the shots of her with her shorts practically stuck in her butt crack, or naked so she can press her bare bottom against the side of the table. And don’t miss the hot pix of her shorts puddled around her ankles, like she’s a bad girl waiting for a paddling!

  • 00:18:59
  • Apr 25, 2012
  • 168


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